
Documents from the National Technical Library

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In 2024, the National Technical Library in Prague provided access to one manuscript and nine printed book from its collections. The manuscript (shelf mark C 1178, system number 615616) was probably written at the turn of the 18th century and contains a collection of alchemical recipes. The printed books come from between 1645 and the early 19th century; the oldest (shelf mark F 11, system number 606794) was printed in Paris, the others in Germany. Most of them deal with the military and with fortification architecture.


List of documents

[Alchymische Rezepte]C 1178 system number: 615616; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Blaise-François de Pagan: Fortifications du comte de PaganF 11 system number: 606794; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Johann Heinrich Behr: Der aufs neu-verschantzte Turenne oder gründliche alt- und neue Kriegs-Bau-KunstF 170 system number: 607069; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Frédéric Jean Danckwerth: Tentativa pour le renfort de la fortification moderneF 190 system number: 607081; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko
Gottlob Friedrich von Brück: Coup d'Oeil Militaire, oder das Augenmerk im KriegeF 213 system number: 615193; Národní technická knihovna; Praha; Česko

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