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Modern Manuscripts from the Military History Institute

Západočeské muzeum v Plzni v roce 2020 zpřístupnilo dva staré tisky. Pařížské vydání mší za zemřelé z roku 1682 (sign. 505 A 006) nese na vazbě zlacené heraldické supralibros opata cisterciáckého kláštera v Plasích Evžena Tyttla. Rovněž tisk 505 D 006 z roku 1670 je zajímavý svou dobovou vazbou, pořízenou pro papeže Klementa X.


Documents of the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec

The North Bohemian Museum in Liberec has provided access to two volumes containing a combination of printed and handwritten texts. The older binder’s volume, Inv. No. ST 1345, contains printed sermons of Bartholomäus Wagner from 1607, which were complemented on pastedowns and the folios attached in the first quarter of the 17th century by concepts of sermons and other notes, mostly in the hand of Valentin Frümald. The volume Inv. No. ST 702 contains the printed history of Frýdlant and Liberec by Johann Carl Rohn from 1763, which was complemented on the 50 introductory pages by chronicle records, accounting entries and a spiritual reflection of Karel Voigt of Chrastava.


A Printed Book from the Town Museum and Gallery Polička

In 2020, the Town Museum and Gallery Polička provided access to the printed book by Martin of Cochem Velká štěpná zahrada [The Big Tree Garden], printed in Brno by Václav Lenhart in the workshop of the heirs of Jakub Maxmilián Svoboda in 1751–1752 (shelf mark K 450). This particular edition of the reprinted work has not been recorded in catalogues.


Manuscripts from the Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region

The Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region digitised 15 modern manuscripts in 2020. The oldest of them is an incomplete prayer book from 1541 (shelf mark RK 055). Most of the others come from the 18th century and contain Czech- and German-language prayers, usually accompanied by simple decoration. The manuscript of an invitatorium with psalms and hymns for the Feast of the Nativity (shelf mark RK 050) is partly notated. A manuscript that differs from the others in content comprises a collection of German culinary and medicinal recipes (shelf mark RK 146), which was complemented by information on book titles and prices at the turn of the 19th century.
