
Digitised Medieval Manuscripts from the Museum of the Brno Region

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The Museum of the Brno Region Muzeum has provided access to another four medieval manuscripts from the library of the Benedictine monastery in Rajhrad in 2015. The missals R 397 and R 398 as well as the exegesis of the New Testament and Biblical prologues R 18 were created in the second half of the 14th century, the Czech New Testament complemented by other texts R 390 was written in the first half of the 15th century. With the exception of the New Testament, all the manuscripts are decorated to varying degrees.


List of documents

Nicolaus de Lira: Postilla super Novum TestamentumR 18; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
Biblia bohemicaR 390; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
MissaleR 397; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
MissaleR 398; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika

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